My Mother gave me the following advice as I entered the working world, “Never discuss politics or religion at work and you will be OK.” Guess what? Not everyone in the workplace may have heard that advice. Generally, as the workday unfolds, people interact with one another and everything is usually fine. Then, on other days the normal workday goes along until someone goes a little too far. Something is said or done that causes offense and tempers flare. Then what? People are people, and sometimes the rules need to be enforced. At the end of the day, regardless of the recent event, the work still has to be done.
If one of your employee’s creates, or is involved in, a situation that happens in the workplace and it violates the organizations policies it will need to be addressed. I hear you saying to yourself, “Yeah, that sounds really easy to say but…”
Think about the top three effective supervisors/leaders you have ever encountered on your work life journey. I am willing to bet you ‘dollars to doughnuts’ that, two if not all three of the supervisors/leaders you were thinking of, considered themselves responsible for the success of their team and ultimately the overall organization. Effective leaders accept responsibility for actions they can influence because it is part of maintaining an ownership mentality. That is why the truly effective supervisors/leaders from your past stick out in your mind.
Supervisors/Leaders are bestowed with certain rights and privileges as the management representative in order to maintain organizational standards. In my experience supervisors/leaders on the whole are not thrilled at the thought of being seen as the bearer of bad news, even when warranted. Moreover, dedicating the time and energy needed to address an individual’s poor behavior is both exhausting and time consuming.
If listening to supervisors/leaders for over the past 22+ years as an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Specialist has taught me anything, I found out that all effective supervisor/leader have the same vision for what a perfect day looks like. The perfect day for each I have ever known, has only two rules and they look something like this:
1) When I come to work, all I want, is for everyone to just work!
2) If you still want to know what a perfect day is, refer back to item #1.
Managing your expectations as a supervisor/leader may require an adjustment from the expectation of finally having a perfect day to addressing the current real world workplace situations that have gone too far. As you continue your journey, I encourage you to look for ways to provide tools to improve the work environment for your employees and yourself.
Take a walk with me. True story, the following scenario occurred approximately 8 years ago. My niece’s young daughters, ages 4 & 8, accompanied my mother on her medical appointment. The clinic nurse engaged the girls in some lighthearted conversation. The nurse asked the youngest, “What would you like to be when you grow up?” She lit up like a proud little four-year-old and said, “I want to be a nurse, a veterinarian and a super hero.” Her older sister immediately said, “It does not happen like that in the real world.” Short and to the point. My take away from the aforementioned situation reinforces a great reminder that: Managing any expectation(s) is critical to securing reasonable outcomes.
The fact of the matter is that there will always be things that happen in society that can potentially filter into the workplace. Everything from sporting events (whatever season it may be), to the latest political activity or even some social event that is currently going on.
Still, supervisors/leaders such as yourself just want one thing…(See above: Perfect Day- Rule #1) When I come to work, all I want, is for everyone to just work!
(Riley “Dog on the left- Does dog stuff”
& Rusty “Boy with no pants- Even smiles for photos”)
My passion is to provide individuals in workplace with tools designed to improve employee engagement. If you enjoyed this blog, there are several more currently on our website at
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If needed, I am capable of providing your team with Title VII and/or Sexual Harassment annual training. Please view our website Elite Maui Team Building: Services tab